Japanese Foreign Minister Toshimitsu Motegi on Tuesday announced that Tokyo is coordinating the early delivery of a total of 11 million doses of Astra-Zeneca vaccine to 15 countries including Cambodia, Laos, Fiji, the Republic of Kiribati and Iran, through the UN global “COVAX” vaccine-sharing program.
According to Japanese media reports, out of 11 million doses of the vaccine, Tokyo intends to donate 2,900,000 doses of which to the Islamic Republic of Iran.
The news comes as Reza Zeinab Assistant of the Iranian Foreign Ministry and Director-General of the Foreign Ministry for Asia-Pacific Affairs tweeted on Saturday regarding the shipment of 500,000 doses of COVID-19 vaccine into the country and wrote, “With the unflinching efforts of colleagues, 500,000 doses of coronavirus vaccine were imported into the country. The same amount (the remaining 1.5 million) will arrive into the country on Thursday.”
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